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Empowering Students: The Impact of Digital Career Advice

Digital transformation has revolutionised various aspects of our lives, and the field of education is no exception. One area that has seen significant advancements is career advice for students.

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Navigating The Issues Education Is Facing With Careers

The education sector faces various challenges when it comes to providing effective career guidance and preparing students for the future. Each of these challenges requires careful consideration and strategic planning...

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Empowering Students: The Impact of Digital Career Advice

Digital transformation has revolutionised various aspects of our lives, and the field of education is no exception. One area that has seen significant advancements is career advice for students.
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Navigating The Issues Education Is Facing With Careers

The education sector faces various challenges when it comes to providing effective career guidance and preparing students for the future. Each of these challenges requires careful consideration and strategic planning...
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Dare I do it?

In his book, 'The Second Curve', management writer Charles Handy points out the increasing extent to which we must be responsible for our own careers in what is becoming a less permanent and more fluid working environment.
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Relax. Don't panic.

Too many graduates and school-leavers, faced with too much choice (or possibly too little) have fallen into the first job they’ve come across. Unprepared to enter the job market, they’re making the wrong career decisions, and their careers are suffering as a result.
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Redundancy: the steps to take

Many people find redundancy changes their attitude toward employment. Their views on loyalty, on motivation and on their career development are all more nuanced, and as a result, they might re-enter the working world they know best but with different goals. Or instead, they might find themselves on a path they would never have previously considered.
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